
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Angkor Wat, Siem Reap



A Holiday in Cambodia sounded a fascinating destination, when it was suggested we include it as part of a trip to Thailand.

Many people are drawn to Cambodia with helping out in mind. For others the main draw is in Angkor Wat in and Siem Reap

This magnificent structure built for King Suryavarman II in the early 12th century is certainly an awesome place. It is well worth a taking a holiday in Cambodia for Angkor Wat alone.

But this fascinating country is as much about the people as Cambodia's attractions.



It is a country where the people are still very raw from their terrible recent history, and it flavours their conversation andyour travel experience.

It is very much a country in recovery mode, but there is still a very long way to go. They are certainly working at it, with the help of many volunteers, and countries around the world. Seeing and hearing their history, and observing how the local Cambodians cope with it, is enlightening, and humbling.



Out on the streets the sheer volume of motor bikes, mo-peds, tuktuks, bicycles, cars, and buses, had me transfixed! How to cross the street with these machines barreling toward you !

Patience was the order of the day! We didn't want our holiday in Cambodia to be terminated early!If there are roads rules, we never did work out what they were. They all converge on a crossroad intersection, having a near miss as they carry on their way.

It became a game to see who could spot the moped with the most people on it. A family of 5 was not unusual. I was intrigued with the woman seated behind ( I assume) her husband, hanging onto the legs of a table big enough to seat four comfortably.

Set on the Mekong River , Phnom Penh is a city where affluence sits side by side with poverty.

The city focal point is the river.....with restaurants and nightlife lining the waters edge, while families enjoy a huge fun park across the road.

Tonle Sap Lake which has the Bassak River and Tonle Sap Rivers linking into it, is also a major waterway.

Sightseeing in Phnom Penh



The Markets
  • Phsar Thmey – Central Market
  • Psah Poul Tom Toung - The Russian Market
  • Choeung Ek Memorial -The Killing Fields
  • Toul Sleng Genocide Museum - The School
  • The Royal Palace and Silver Pagoda
  • Wat Phnom – A monument to the founding of Phnom Penh in the 1960’s.
  • The National Museum
  • River trips are popular with tourists.



Phnom Penh to Siem Reap

The road to Siem Reap was a fascinating peep into the lives of local Cambodians going about their daily tasks. While it was definitely more touristy, Siem Reap was prettier and more appealing for me.

Sight Seeing in Siem Reap

  • Angkor Wat is the main attraction.
  • Ta Prohm is in its original state and truly fascinating
  • Bayon was really lovely – full of surprises
  • Elephant Terrace
  • The Floating Village is a fascinating trip well worth taking.
  • HandiCraft Village – this is a pleasant change. A village set up to train and eventually employ young people in a wide range of handcrafts.



WarningYou will be accosted by young children selling Lonely Planet books.

You could buy a Cambodian Lonely PLanet for $5. 9 and 10 year old children will speak to you in your language. They were pretty good at working out which language you spoke – even the differences in English accents. They would recite off a few facts.....the name of your Prime Minister, capital cities, pop in colloqueisms...she’ll be right....Yeh right!They knew some facts about your country ..........which was impressive and charming.

How to Bargain – Courtesy of Guntha

A holiday in Cambodia, or any other South East Asian country is usually about the bargaining you can do for your vacation shopping. Fakes are fine.......but you still need to bargain!

Here are our Guide Guntha's tips for bargaining to a good price for both you and the vendor.Start about two thirds below the asking price. Work through, dollar by dollar, bargaining until you should get the item for about half the asking price.

We bargained, then checked other stalls as many of the items are the same. We then went back to the best bargain.



Cambodia Visa - get at the Border

You can get a Cambodia Visa for your holiday in Cambodia at the airport border. It proved to be a straightforward and efficient procedure.
  • You fill in the forms provided
  • These are collected with your passport
  • Wait in a queue while one of about 6 people processes your visa
  • Your name is called when it is ready and you are on your way.

Check what you will require in the VISA SEARCH BOX

Eating Out

There were some excellent restaurants in both Phnom Penh and Siem Reap

Cambodia Accommodation

You will have plenty of choice finding accommodation to suit your budget when you holiday in Cambodia as there are plenty of hotels .........most at very cheap prices by Western standards.


We stayed at this mid priced hotel in Phnom Penh, and while not flash, it was clean, comfortable and had everything we required including an en suite bathroom.

At around $45 it ensured we were within our budget for our holiday in Cambodia. It was all we needed with a comfortable bed.The windowless rooms were a disadvantage. But the hotel was newly renovated.I can certainly recommend it as a good three star hotel.


This was in a good location within easy walking distance of shops and markets, and central Siem Reap.We had a pleasant walk across the river and were close to any number of restaurants and The Temple.

The hotel had large spacious rooms with everything you needed.The desk staff were helpful.

Dr Beat Richner – The Cello player

We were invited to a concert. We knew this was a fund raiser for the Kantha Botha Children’s Hospital, and were keen to enjoy a cello concert, so went along.

It was not on our holiday in Cambodia list of things to do, and some people did feel it had been rather misrepresented. There was not a lot of cello. But it certainly was a heart rending cause, we were happy to support.

Read the story of this Swiss doctor who has given his life to the children of Siem Reap, and his ongoing fundraising to try and give them the care and medication they need.

His big frustration at the lack of recognition by UNESCO and WHO(World Health Organisation) at the plight of these children, who cannot get modern medication and treatment because it is "too expensive", is very clear.

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